Road projects in Lee County for week of Dec. 6
iROX (I-75 Road Expansion project to six-lane the interstate from Golden Gate Parkway interchange (#105) in Collier County to Colonial Boulevard interchange (#136) in Lee County): Construction project — Crews will be working 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, December 6 to Saturday, December 12, weather permitting, maintaining traffic signs and barrels along I-75 northbound and southbound between the Golden Gate interchange (#105) and the Colonial Boulevard interchange (#136). Crews also will conduct surveys, place silt fencing off the roadway for erosion control, install sod, install guardrail and cable barrier, move heavy equipment, export dirt, paint noise barriers and place friction course. Crews will perform bridgework at Immokalee Road (#111). Motorists should expect occasional shoulder closures between the Golden Gate interchange and the Colonial Boulevard interchange. The following work is scheduled, weather permitting, and includes lane closures:
From 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., from Sunday, December 6 through early Saturday morning, December 12, motorists can expect lane closures at:
Immokalee Road for bridge work.
Northbound and southbound I-75 from the Golden Gate Parkway interchange (#105) to the Colonial Boulevard interchange (#136). One lane closed in each direction intermittently throughout the project limits.
From 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., from Monday, December 6 through early Monday morning, December 7, motorists can expect ramp closures at:
Southbound entrance and exit ramps at Corkscrew Road (#123).
From 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., Monday, December 7 through early Tuesday morning, December 8, motorists can expect ramp closures at:
Southbound entrance and exit ramps at Bonita Beach Road (#116).
From 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., Tuesday, December 8 through early Friday morning, December 11, motorists can expect ramp closures at:
Southbound entrance and exit ramps at Immokalee Road (#111).
Southbound entrance and exit ramps at Pine Ridge Road (#107).
Southbound entrance and exit ramps at Golden Gate Parkway (#105).
December 4, 2009
9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, December 6 to Saturday, December 12, bridgework will require various lane closures:
Pine Ridge Road at the Pine Ridge Road/I-75 interchange.
Immokalee Road at the Immokalee Road/I-75 interchange.
Bonita Beach Road at the Bonita Beach Road/I-75 interchange.
Corkscrew Road at the Corkscrew Road/I-75 interchange.
Daniels Parkway at the Daniels Parkway/I-75 interchange.
Motorists are advised to expect eastbound lane closures in the morning and westbound lane closures in the afternoon.
Motorists should expect lane closures northbound and southbound during nighttime work with the speed limit reduced to 60 mph. One lane northbound and one lane southbound will remain open to traffic during nighttime work requiring lane closures. Motorists are reminded to USE CAUTION, always buckle up, always pay attention, and do not tailgate. WORK ZONE SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S JOB.
U.S. 41: Southbound at Hancock Bridge Parkway: Maintenance permit project — Crews are working on constructing a driveway connection for the southbound entrance from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. No lane closures are expected at this time, but motorists should be aware of crews working in the area.
S.R. 867/McGregor Boulevard: From Iona Road to Kelly Road: Maintenance project — Department crews will be edging and sweeping the roadway from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, December 7 through Thursday, December 11, weather permitting. Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures, slow moving traffic and delays.
S.R. 739/Metro Parkway: From Six Mile Cypress Parkway to Daniels Parkway: Construction project — This project is widening Metro Parkway from two to six lanes. Crews will be working on installing drainage on the southbound roadway near Daniels Road and constructing the new northbound roadway starting at Six Mile Cypress Parkway. Motorists are advised to be aware of the new traffic pattern. Crews are working on removing the northbound roadway. North Gulf Coast Lane is closed. Access to the hospital will be via South Gulf Coast Lane or Daniels Parkway. Crews will be working at Six Mile Cypress and Metro at the south side of the intersection and in the median.
Motorists can expect nighttime lane closures to occur by the end of next week while crews work on removing the old strain poles at Daniels Parkway and Metro Parkway. Motorists should expect side street closures on the west side of Metro Parkway. Detours will be posted to direct traffic to access the businesses along Metropolis Road.
Metropolis Extension is open to traffic. Please be aware of a new traffic pattern on both northbound and southbound Metro Parkway. Traffic has been moved to the new roadway from south of South Gulf Coast Lane to Six Mile Cypress. Please be aware that the speed limit has been reduced to 30 MPH. Motorists should expect possible deceleration lane closures with flagmen on site to direct traffic, delays and slow moving traffic. The contractor is E.T. MacKenzie Company.
S.R. 739/Metro Parkway: From U.S. 41 to Six Mile Cypress Parkway: Construction project — This project is building a new six-lane roadway extending Metro Parkway from Six Mile Cypress Parkway to Alico Road and U.S. 41. Crews are clearing the project alignment and installing erosion control from U.S. 41 south of Alico Road north to Six Mile Cypress.
Crews will also be working at the Anderson Cul-de-sac. Paving is planned for the Anderson Cul-de-sac. Lee County Utilities crews will be installing a new 8″ water main along Briarcliff Road. Crews will be hauling materials between Alico Road and Fiddlesticks Canal. Motorists are reminded to watch for construction workers and equipment working near the roadway. No traffic disruptions are anticipated. The contractor is Posen Construction.
S.R. 739/Metro Parkway: From Hanson Street to Daniels Parkway: Maintenance project — Department crews will be edging and sweeping the roadway from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday, December 7 through Thursday, December 11, weather permitting. Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures, slow moving traffic and delays.
S.R. 82/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard: Westbound from Fowler Street to Thompson Street: Maintenance permit project — As part of the City of Fort Myer’s Downtown Streetscape project, crews are working on road improvements. Motorists should expect a westbound right turn lane closure, slow moving traffic and possible delays.
S.R. 82/Immokalee Road: From Sunshine Boulevard to Columbus Boulevard: Construction project — This project is milling and resurfacing the roadway. Crews will also be working on drainage at the side streets throughout the project from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. Traffic will be detoured during this work. The contractor is Ajax Paving Industries, Inc.
S.R. 80: From Orange River Boulevard to the Lee/Hendry County line: Maintenance project — Crews will be restriping the roadway heading eastbound and then westbound from 9 a.m. to 3p.m. starting on Monday, December 7 through Thursday, December 10, weather permitting. No lane closures are anticipated, but motorists should be advised of slow moving traffic and possible delays.
S.R. 78/Bayshore Road: From west of I-75 to east of Cypress Creek Drive (approximately one half mile east of Nalle Road): Construction project — Work is underway to mill and resurface this roadway. Crews will be placing construction signs and installing “silt fence” off the roadway and working on drainage at various locations throughout the project. Utility companies are onsite adjusting utilities for the start of construction. No lane closures are expected at this time, but later on, work during the job will be done both during the day and at night and requires lane closures. Motorists should plan extra travel time during the day. The project is expected to finish, weather permitting, in March 2010. The contractor is S.T. Wooten Corporation.
S.R. 78/Pine Island Road: At the Santa Barbara intersection: Maintenance permit project — As part of the City of Cape Coral’s project on Santa Barbara Boulevard, crews are working on intersection improvements and the traffic signals. Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures in this intersection. The speed limit is 35 mph while traveling through the work zone. Motorists should use caution and seek alternative routes whenever possible.
S.R. 78/Pine Island Road: From U.S. 41 to Chiquita Boulevard: Maintenance project — Department crews will be edging and sweeping the roadway from 9 a.m. to 4p.m., weather permitting. Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures, slow moving traffic and possible delays.
S.R. 78/Pine Island Road: Westbound from Chiquita Boulevard to Burnt Store Road: Maintenance project — Department crews are cleaning the roadside ditches from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting. Motorists should expect a westbound lane closure with flagmen directing traffic, slow moving traffic and possible delays.