Owners move into first ‘rehabbed’ homes in Lehigh over the weekend

Cindy Tibble celebrates her new home. All photos by MerriBeth Farnham.
NSP sells first ‘rehabbed’ home in Lehigh
This week marks an important milestone for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program of Lee County (NSP). The first buyer, a 52-year-old grandmother, successfully closed on her new Lehigh Acres home. Cindy Tibble says the NSP Program of Lee County made it possible for her to own a home for the first time in her life. She’s looking forward to frequent visits from her grandchildren. She moved into her new home Saturday.
“I feel very blessed that this is really happening for me,” said Tibble. “I have worked very hard to get where I am at today. Owning a home is something I’ve always wanted, and now it’s mine! I can’t wait to start planting pretty flowers.”
NSP of Lee County is a housing program fueled by federal stimulus funds from the Federal Housing and Economic Recovery Act. Lee County received just over $18 million to buy, rehabilitate and then sell foreclosed properties at extremely affordable prices.
The local program is being administered through the Lee County Department of Human Services under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners.

Cindy Tibble is shown outsider her new home.
NSP Homes can be located in any of five target areas including Lehigh Acres, San Carlos Park, Suncoast Estates and Palmona Park in North Fort Myers, Pine Manor and Page Park in South Fort Myers.
Eligible buyers can earn up to a middle level income to qualify-that’s as much as $72,840 for a family of four. NSP homes are priced based on Lee County’s initial cost to acquire the property plus rehabilitation-related costs. The county will make no profit on these homes, and will provide financial assistance in the form of a second mortgage and help with closing costs.
For Tibble, the financial assistance makes all the difference.
The sales price for her 1,825 square foot, 3-bedroom, 2- bath NSP home is $58,000, with the county’s soft second mortgage to pay $17,400. Her principal, interest, taxes and insurance without NSP would have been approximately $566 a month. With the NSP Program, she’ll be paying approximately $426 instead.
To date, Lee County has purchased 24 homes, with the goal to buy at least 100 homes by September 2010. For more information about the NSP Program of Lee County, please visit the NSP Program website at www.nsp.leegov.com.

Maelene Gibbs moves into her new home.
Tibble moved into her new home this past Saturday morning.
A second NSP home also closed Friday, said MerriBeth Farnham, a spokeswoman with Farnham, HD PR Group High Definition Marketing.
- Cindy Tibble is shown outsider her new home.
- Maelene Gibbs moves into her new home.
- Grandmother Maelene Gibbs and her granddaughter, D’Kondria, are excited with their new home. Mrs. Gibbs, 70, still works and has raised two grandchildren.

Grandmother Maelene Gibbs and her granddaughter, D’Kondria, are excited with their new home. Mrs. Gibbs, 70, still works and has raised two grandchildren.