Tell the firefighters union to take a walk
To the Editor:
Local fire union #1826 cares only about one thing money. The senior union member cares nothing about their fellow junior members or public safety. They only want to rape Lehigh Acres taxpayers for every nickel and dime they can get.
To say these people risk there lives everyday is a lie, most of the time. When 92 percent of all calls that LAFD responds to are medical related, 6 percent are vehicle crashes and 2 percent are real fires. (Stats for 2009).
The taxpayers of Lehigh Acres risk more every time they get out of bed or walk out side are homes.
The people of Lehigh Acres need to stand up tell these union workers to take a walk. Lehigh Acres would be better off if we dissolved the union by force – the force of will or the force of not paying their salaries. Lehigh Acres does not need a fire union; Lehigh Acres needs a fire department that cares about its employers. We the taxpayers of Lehigh Acres are their employers.
Anthonie Barrett
Lehigh Acres