Chamber holds Real Men’s Ministry ribbon cutting

The Lehigh Acres Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting last week for a new organization called Real Men’s Ministry in Lehigh. It is operated by Russ Ranklin and Pastor Bob Lockwood. They meet with men and local church pastors in the community on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. for fellowship to to talk about values of “real men” in their family life and at work to become leaders. Shown here at the ribbon cutting near the new Lehigh Chamber office are from left to right, Chamber members, Jorge Alvarez; David Meyer, Chamber recruiter; Chamber members Vickie Hay, Maralyn Waline, Cindy Dodd, Lehigh Honorary Mayor MaryLou Land; Russ Franklin and Pastor Bob Lockwood of Real Men’s Ministry; Joe Whalen, president and CEO of the Chamber; members, Sue Thomson, Joan Starr and Jere Carrick. You can reach Real Men Ministry at 239-898-1260 or go to: for more information. Photo by MEL TOADVINE