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Great accomplishments at LRMC in Pulmonary Center

By Staff | Dec 29, 2009

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center at Lehigh Regional Medical Center celebrates its first graduate from the program since it opened its doors in

August of this year. Warren Wassamire of Lehigh Acres graduated from the program on December 3 and although it was a lot of work it was worth it.

“I came limping into the program and went running out!” said Wassamire. He came to Pulmonary Rehabilitation on four to five liters of oxygen per

minute, on steroids and medications to assist his breathing, and without the ability to walk for six minutes unassisted by supplemental oxygen and lengthy rest periods, LRMC officials said.

Today, Wassamire is free of wearing supplemental oxygen, is no longer on steroids, and can walk for at least 15 minutes on a treadmill with an incline.

He is also more knowledgeable about his disease state and what causes exacerbations.

“I never worried, I knew I was in good hands, and look

at me now,” he said, with is graduation certificate in hand.

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation program at LRMC continues to grow. Eleanor Jones of LaBelle and Barbara Martin of Fort Myers are also recent graduates of the program. Their stories mimic the success of Wassamire. Jones no longer requires the oxygen that she began the program with. Martin is

able to run on the treadmill for 20 minutes with ankle weights on an incline, LRMC health officials said.

Many other similar stories are present within the program with participants that have not graduated as of yet.

The dedicated staff at LRMC’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation is thrilled with their patients’ progress and gives all of the credit to their patients.

“Our patients are the most driven, with the most to gain, they consistently give 110 percent each time they are here. We are so proud,” said Tracylee Droomer, a pulmonary rehabilitation therapist.

“I am very pleased with the great work and dedication of the Cardiopulmonary Department team to help their patients with their rehabilitation goals. “This milestone shows, once again, our hospital’s adherence to our mission: service, compassion, commitment,” said Jos F. Morillo, Lehigh Regional Medical Center’s CEO.