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CERT training available in Lehigh

By Staff | Dec 30, 2009

To The Editor,

Lehigh Acres Chief Don Adams has agreed to hold CERT training after the first of the year. I already have 10 to 12 people already signed up, but I need 20 to have a full class. We would like by the end of the class to have four five-people teams for Lehigh. If anyone is interested in volunteering please have them contact me at: Robert.Anderson@Lehighacreswatchdog.com or Chief Adams at 239-303-5300

The chief has said we must look out of the box many times with the reduced number of professional firefighters now and with the budget shortfalls coming and cash reserves at a minimum.

So how do we do this? It called volunteers.

I’m not saying I want to replace the professional fire fighters with volunteers but just the opposite; I want to supplement The Lehigh Acres Fire & Rescue District with trained CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) volunteers.

By the way, the Lehigh Acres Fire & Rescue District has already received grant money to do this.

Volunteer positions to help supplement districts jobs should be one of the key goals of this district so it can save money, time and resources.

This volunteer program would be a win win solution to this economic crisis this fire district is facing.

The Lehigh Acres Fire District should have multiple CERT ready teams in this time of need in this community.

The CERT Teams could also help educate the children in fire safely plus be ready to volunteer with the professional firefighters if they are called to do so.

CERT members can also handle all PIO (public information officer) duties plus PEO (public education officer) duties of the district.

Robert Anderson

Lehigh Acres