Sheriff Scott named to state coalition
Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott has accepted appointment to represent the 67 Florida Sheriffs on the Statewide Coalition against Alcohol Impaired Driving. The appointment was confirmed with gratitude by an official with the Florida Department of Transportation late Monday afternoon.
The coalition is being tasked with determining the most pressing alcohol-impaired driving issues facing Floridians. Through review of proven strategies and prioritizing problem areas, the coalition will develop a five-year strategic plan. Organizers believe the plan will provide a comprehensive blueprint for legislation, programs and funding which will help maximize joint efforts at reducing alcohol-related crashes, injuries and fatalities.
In developing the strategic plan, a thorough review of the state’s impaired driving system has been recommended with five areas of emphasis:
– Data collection and usage
– Public information and education
– Enforcement and prosecution
– Sanctions and treatment
– Legislation
The first meeting of the coalition will be announced in the near future.
This marks the second statewide selection of Sheriff Scott following his recent governor’s appointment to the Statewide Task Force on Human Trafficking.