‘Who ya gonna call’
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to be a ghost hunter or just have a natural curiosity about paranormal phenomena, then be sure to check out a special event at Rotary Park next weekend.
A special class, Ghost Hunting 101, a sort of one-stop shop for everything related to chasing down ghosts, is open to everyone.
“It’s a basic 101 class on how paranormal investigation is done,” said Honey Archey, a recreation specialist for city’s Parks and Recreation Department. “It runs through the history of ghost hunting, and how investigators use technology to study spirit related phenomena.”
Sponsored by the Southwest Florida Paranormal Investigators, attendees, whether they believe in ghosts or not, will get the chance to learn from an instructor teaching the science, psychology and technology behind the investigations.
The group is based in Lee County, and does investigations as far north as Tampa and far south as Naples.
According to the the Southwest Florida Paranormal Investigators’ Web site, the group is entirely made up of volunteers who come from diverse backgrounds and ideologies.
Archey said that ghost hunting is popular now, as evidenced by the number of shows on television.
“A lot of people are involved in ghost hunting,” she said. “It’s all over TV — the Discovery Channel, The Syfy Channel — it’s something that a lot of people are interested in and a lot of people have (paranormal) experiences.”
The cost for the class is $25 for residents and $38 for non-residents.
For more information, contact Archey at the Rotary Park Environmental Center at 549-4606.