Reader makes two New Year’s resolutions
To The Editor,
I made two new year’s resolutions. 1. Quit smoking.2. Quit writingLetter to the Editor, criticizing President Obama and his administration. The first one,quit smoking, was easy.It was not because of health reasons, nor because of ads defaming us smokers.
It was because of the cost of a carton of cigarettes. I no longer could justify spending $150 per month on smoking.It was that simple.
The second one, stop criticizing the Obama Administration, was even easier.You have heard the old saying,”Give a person enough rope, and they will eventually hang their self.”
He has been in office only a year and he has the rope around the Democrats’ neck already. I no longer need to list Obama’s and the Democrats’ lack of ability to govern. Just give them time and enough rope. It is that simple.
AmonL. Kerns
Lehigh Acres