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Suspicious suitcase found on Walmart parking lot

By Staff | Jan 12, 2010

An abandoned suitcase discovered in the parking lot of the Lehigh Acres Walmart on Saturday brought Southwest Florida Regional Bomb Squad members to check it out.

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office said they received a call from the management of Walmart on Lee Blvd. that a customer had reported a suspicious suitcase in the parking lot.

Deputies who responded to the store said they saw a Samsonite briefcase lying on the wood chips next to a tree in the parking lot shortly after 5:30 p.m.

Part of the parking lot was blocked off while Bomb Squad members opened the suitcase without any problems and confirmed that it contained nothing hazardous nor dangerous.

One set of entry doors into Walmart was locked due to the location of the suitcase, but the store remained open during this incident.