Lee schools prepare for Haitian students
As the world tries to understand the massive devastation that has occurred in Haiti, and the relief efforts reach full strength, there is one aspect that
may affect Southwest Florida an influx of children from Haiti, according to Joe Donzelli, a public information spokesman with the Lee County school system.
He said many local residents have been struggling to get information about their loved ones who live on the island. And when they do receive word, many
are now looking for ways to bring those loved ones to Southwest Florida.
In anticipation of those efforts, Lee County Public Schools has begun to examine ways in which our schools and District can help, Donzelli said.
He said that the staff has already started working to identify schools that have room for new students.
And in addition, staff is working to identify those schools that may have higher populations of Haitian students, which may help ease the transition of
those children arriving from the devastated country, Donzelli said.
“We are going to do whatever we can for those children who come to Lee County from Haiti,” said Dr. James Browder, superintendent of schools.
“We’ll get them enrolled as quickly as we can so we can immediately start to provide services for those who need it the most. Children are children, and
these youngsters are going to need all the love and support we can give them.”
Community members who may be bringing school-aged children to Lee County from Haiti are encouraged to either contact the District’s Student Assignment Department directly at 239-337-8514 or visit its Web site at (www.leeschools.net) and click on the “For Parents” tab to access the link to
Student Assignment to obtain information on how to enroll a child for school.