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Questions for our legislators listed

By Staff | Apr 17, 2011

To the Editor:

Why does the Florida House of Representatives have 18 bills about the invasion of women’s reproductive rights?

You want the answer? It is because 18 House members choose to use one of six bills they are privileged to present on this misguided effort.

We can only hope the full House of Representatives in Tallahassee will reject these attempts to control a woman’s freedom to choose.

All the women of Florida should object to this invasion of their privacy.

Secondly, why attack Planned Parenthood? They are there to help and counsel poor people. HB97/SB1414 now in the legislature will result in women losing health care coverage they now have!

These bills further restrict use of taxpayer monies. Florida legislators should stop playing politics with a woman’s health.

The above is a perfect example of what the legislature should not do. What the legislature should do is develop a workable energy policy.

There has not been an energy policy in two years. Expanding energy could be a source of new jobs which Florida desperately needs.

Production of wind and solar would be helpful, as it is a clean product and compatible with our fragile environment.

It is high time our state (looking for revenue in this budget crunch), should plug up state sales tax loopholes that allows some to pay nothing at all. They could also look at more revenue from intangible taxes.

To be sure, this body of representatives has a lot they should do and a lot they should not do. Always, I hope, remembering their district’s will and concerns.

I want to thank Rep. Matt Caldwell for receiving our lobbying delegation on April 8.

Joan Patterson

Lehigh Acres