Linking Passover to helping those in need
To The Editor
We have been approaching the Holiday of Passover the Holiday of Freedom with our family’s gathering, purchasing food and preparing for a joyous holiday.
There are other people in our community that are lacking in their basic necessities. Let alone by Matzah they are not able to pay their mortgage, electricity or their water bill for their home, no gas for their vehicle and no money to buy food for their families. It seems the only traditional resemblance of Passover that they have is the Bitter Herbs.
No this is not an exaggeration and these are not people that are looking for a free hand out they are working however they cannot meet their financial obligations.
Here at Chabad we look at crisis as opportunity an opportunity to help those less fortunate than us and perform the great Mitzvah of feeding, clothing and providing shelter for the poor with the hope that every family can taste the full sweetness of the holiday.
We need to raise $18,000 to help these families, and we’ve already received $3,900 toward our goal. Passover began at sundown on April 18 and continued throughout the next day.
Join us in this campaign – please mail your contribution to:
Chabad Holiday Drive, Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, 5620 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL 33919, Please note your contribution is tax deductible.
Have a Happy, Healthy & Kosher Passover,
Rabbi Yitzchok and Nechamie Minkowicz
Fort Myers