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‘Family Fun Walk’ to herald in Del Prado improvements

By Staff | May 21, 2011

Although the roadway has been open and taking traffic for the last few weeks, Saturday’s ribbon cutting ceremony for the Del Prado Boulevard widening will mark the official end of the multi-million dollar, years-long project.
Local officials from the city, Florida Department of Transportation and Rep. Gary Aubuchon are expected to attend, according to project spokeswoman Maricelle Venegas.
The ribbon cutting also will be accompanied by a Family Fun Walk, a one-mile trek along the roadway that will feature a host of local businesses with giveaways and information.
Venegas said McDonald’s, Chik-Fil-A and Beef O’ Brady’s are few of the businesses that will be in attendance.
As part of the city’s five year road improvement program, Del Prado was widened from four lanes to six from Pine Island Road to Kismet.
Other new features include new street lighting, landscaping, three new off-site bridges, two wider bridges, new traffic signals, storm drainage and pedestrian paths.
More than just sidewalks, Venegas said the new paths offer people the opportunity to experience the improvements in a new way.
“These are trails, they’re not your typical sidewalk you would see on a typical project,” she said. “They meander from one side of Del Prado to the other.”
The event begins at 9 am, and the ribbon cutting is expected to begin at roughly 9:30 am, according Venegas. The Family Fun Walk starts promptly after the ribbon cutting ceremony and runs until noon.
Now that the project is completed, Venegas said she hopes the community comes out to explore the new and improved Del Prado Boulevard.
“We really look forward to celebrating with everyone,” she said. “We hope people get the chance to come out.”
The ribbon cutting ceremony takes place on the northwest corner of Del Prado Boulevard and Diplomat Parkway.
Parking for the event is available on the northeast corner near the Marathon gas station.