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Dollar hamburgers at LA Flea Market on May 28

By Staff | May 25, 2011

A Memorial Day dollar cookout is being planned at the Lehigh Acres Flea Market on Saturday, May 28 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Everything is a dollar, hamburgers, hot dogs, pina coladas, and beef kabobs.

The deejay is Shorty Girl with music for all. Also at the Lehigh Acres Flea Market finally, Movies Under the Stars, will begin on Tuesday May 31t, with the famous children’s movie, Toy Story 3 and on Friday for the teens, Eclipse from the saga of Twilight.

Movie previews start at 7:30 p.m. with open snack bar. Bring your chair and donation is just $3 per person per movie. Every Tuesday and Friday is Movies Under the Stars at the Lehigh Acres Flea Market.

The Lehigh Acres Flea market is located behind 1303 Homestead Rd., and is next to the Bravo District Sheriff’s Office and the Senior Center.

For more information, call, Cinthia at 239-265-3401 or 239-265-1474.