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Editorial | Have a happy Thanksgiving

By Staff | Nov 21, 2023

For some of us, the whole “pumpkin spice” thing is as old as childhood.

A can or two of Libby’s pumpkin, evaporated milk, a couple of eggs, sugar and the magic combination of cinnamon, ginger and ground cloves and oh, my, the mouthwatering scent of Thanksgiving eve!

Whether we still make those pies from scratch or pick up a couple from Publix, whether we showcase our table with a slow-roasted turkey or drop that bird in the fryer, the concept behind this most American of holidays remains the same: It’s a day to give thanks for the things for which we are grateful — food on the table, a roof over our heads, the spirit of togetherness, and a respite from what ails us.

For many of us, the last – that break from what ails us — is the holiday note needed for 2023.

The last year has been a rough one — from wrangling with insurance companies and adjusters and dealing with repair and renovation crews to coping with the escalating costs for everything from the food for Thursday’s repast to that roof over our heads.

Headlines of happenings, across the globe, across our country, our state and right here in the Cape have been troubling of late.

Still, on Thursday, we will eat, we will celebrate, and we will give thanks as we put aside, if only for a day, those issues to focus on what is good within our family, good within our community.

May you and yours have a very happy Thanksgiving.

Kick back. Enjoy.

And don’t forget the whipped cream for that pie.

Citizen editorial