VFW: Celebrating the legacy
The year of 2024 was the entry of the 125th year of service to American’s veterans by the VFW. The legacy has been celebrated all year long and is honoring the impacts and achievements which will continue to positively influence the lives of all future generations of veterans. The VFW was started in 1899 and has continually grown all these years.
One of a most important action is the receiving approval of M-2, an amendment to the VFW’s Manual of Procedure. The Purple Heart is now a VFW qualifier. It is on a line with awards like the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the Combat Medical Badge and the Combat Action Badge all of which state an individual has earned the right to our great organization.
Most Purple Heart recipients would already be eligible for membership by receiving a campaign medal, but there are many more occasions which merit receiving the medal within the United States. U.S. Troops wounded or killed in the 9/11 Terrorist attacks, the 2009 shooting at the former Fort Hood in Texas and the 2015 terrorist attack on two military installations in Tennessee are examples of these other occasions.
We are proud to have Purple Heart recipients at our VFW Post 4174 located in Lehigh Acres. The medal is held in very high esteem by its owners because it was created by General George Washington and the medals’ history is that of the U.S. Military
There are approximately 230,000 Purple Heart Recipients who do not belong to the VFW and the VFW has begun training and accrediting service officers and have participated an annual service officer who training classes to help them gain their membership. Purple Heart recipients are those brave persons who have shed blood for our country. They have earned one of the military’s most esteemed awards and anyone anywhere in the world who is the proud owner of one is eligible to join the VFW.
Here at Post 4174 located at 25 S. Homestead Road, we would gladly welcome any veteran, let alone one who has a Purple Heart. There are many benefits available for members and we invite you to stop in, join us and see what we’re all about. You’ll be glad you did!