After being deployed, coming home can be a difficult adjustment for many of our military personnel. There are no more no early morning risings, no more duty rosters and a lot less noise than one may have heard, depending on the particular station where serving. No one is bellowing orders or ...
Our community is important to us, especially our veterans and their families. Open to the public, American Legion Post 323 would like to personally invite you to join us for our Independence Weekend Beach Bash Picnic this Saturday, July 6 from noon until 7 p.m. at our Post in Lehigh Acres. ...
Have you noticed at this time of the year, there are many different colors being sported by everyone you run into? It seems summer weather brings out the brightness to match the brilliance of the sunny days. If you look at your baseball players, their uniforms are light colors which show up ...
Did you know that for VFW members, the oath taken when first joining the military is a lifetime commitment? They served our country honorably and are now dedicated to serving the communities in which they reside. The impact of their efforts not only goes from coast to coast, it is ...
Remembering back to 9-11, our entire nation was festooned with our country’s flag. One could see it hanging from almost every building, draped around porches, hanging from auto windows, in the hands of children, and on any and all flag poles.
Driving around Lehigh Acres on June 14th, which ...
During the month of June, our calendar is filled with some important meetings, such as the big Convention in Orlando from June 13 through the 16th. There was also a Town Hall/House Committee meeting, the Auxiliary monthly meeting, the Post meeting and the one for the Riders. Our DAV is “on ...
Season is over for many of the citizens of Florida and now school is out, so everyone’s thoughts have turned to summer and vacations. Many people will want to travel up north where it may be a tad cooler, or even less humid than here in sunny Florida.
While planning your trip, excitement ...
Are you planning on buying a home? Did you want to purchase that motorcycle your mom would never let you have? Is there a need for a new shed in your yard? Do you need reasonably priced chemicals to keep your pool sparkling clean? Is there a better insurance policy available for your home? ...
The VFW Posts across the country all have much in common, but the most important thing of all is the fact they expend most of their time and monies in preserving the memories of U.S. Troops who have given their lives in defense of the nation.
There are National memorials scattered across many ...
It’s hard to believe, but the rising temperatures and even sunnier Southwest Florida skies are key indicators that summer is right around the corner.
With more free time for beach strolls and boating excursions comes an influx of global travelers looking to get their fix of paradise. While ...